"CNBC" declare : Trump’s health-care plan failure could trigger a market correction

No doubt, the stock market is long overdue for a correction, after a scorching rally since the election, and a solid start to 2017. These phrases describe the state of the stock market in the last session-and-a-half. That tax, used to fund Obamacare is on the chopping block in the current GOP bill and would have provided a retroactive tax cut to stock market investors. There is no doubt the market can fall further amid a variety of obvious concerns. Infrastructure spending and increased defense outlays could also be delayed as the White House struggles to pass a budget.

referring to An inflation rate of 2 percent isn't just a target … it's a reality. Why else would bond yields remain anywhere close to 0 percent? Intelligent investors understand that trillions of dollars' worth of negative yielding sovereign debt will not react well to an interest rate normalization campaign. A smooth dismount from years' worth of unprecedented interest rate manipulation is impossible due to the historic distortion of asset prices and record debt levels caused by these officially-sanctioned counterfeiters. He is also author of the book, "The Coming Bond Market Collapse," and produces the weekly podcast, "The Mid-week Reality Check."

Here's what could tip this market into a massive sell-off—commentary
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A downtown market could be in Helena's future

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A downtown market could be in Helena's future

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collected by :Jack Luxor
